© ELBSANDSTEINGUIDES Sächsische Schweiz, Tourismusverband Sächsische Schweiz

From Amtshainersdorf via the Tanečnice to the Urzeitpark in Sebnitz

W skrócie

  • Start: Station Amtshainersdorf
  • Cel: Station Sebnitz
  • średnia
  • 15,86 km
  • 5 h 15 min
  • 480 m
  • 594 m
  • 248 m

A beautiful tour along the panoramic trail from Amtshainersdorf to Tanečnice and from there through the Sebnitz forest to the Urzeitpark.

The tour leads from Amtshainersdorf from the Sebnitz Valley via the Panorama Trail to Tanečnice - a mountain with a viewing tower in Bohemian Switzerland, from where you can look out over the entire Elbe Sandstone Mountains. From Tanečnice, the trail then leads through the Sebnitz Forest to the primeval park in Sebnitz.


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