Great Bastei Round

W skrócie

  • Start: Rathen Spa
  • Cel: Rathen Spa
  • trudna
  • 4,73 km
  • 2 h
  • 200 m
  • 312 m
  • 114 m

From the spa town of Rathen to the Bastei

This hike is particularly suitable for families. In addition to the great views, this loop is also very varied and invites you to explore.

The starting point is the "Kurort-Rathen" railway station. After a few steps you are already at the ferry pier. In good weather, you can easily stand here for 2-3 ferries. But in the meantime you can enjoy the great view of the Bastei massif, through which the Bastei Bridge can be seen. You can cross the Elbe comfortably on the yaw rope ferry and walk through the town for a while. The paths here are very well signposted and there are a few cafés and restaurants where you can sit down and relax. You'll also notice the many flood markings on the houses and wonder how high the Elbe must have been in those years. The path to Amselgrund also leads past a good trout smokehouse and the entrance to the Felsenbühne Rathen. The paddle boats at Amselsee are in their winter quarters. So it's a very comfortable walk to the junction where you turn off to the Schwedenlöcher. Here nature immediately takes on a completely different charm. Large boulders, which a few years years ago, lie to the left and right of the many steps. On the steps and through these mystical rocks, you feel as if you are in a fairytale world. After what feels like 1000 steps, you are finally at the top and a few metres further on at the pavilion lookout you have a beautiful view of the Wehlgrund. Here you simply follow the path in the direction of the Bastei. At midday you are never alone here and no matter what the weather, you have to be patient to explore the various views. Once you've crossed the bridge, you head back downhill to Rathen on equally good paths. Here you can end the hike with a hot chocolate.

Plan trasy

Nawierzchnia trasy

  • Asfalt (15%)
  • Żwir (27%)
  • Szlak wędrowny (3%)
  • Ścieżka (54%)


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